Tax-free Funds
We offer investors a range of tax-free investments to choose from, spanning different risk and return profiles, asset classes and geographical regions. All of which makes for an optimal platform from which to build a well-diversified tax-free investment portfolio.
How much tax do I actually save?
How much tax do I actually save?

Benefits of Tax-free investing
Tax-free investments are a great way to investment. Unlike normal unit trusts, your clients’ investment returns are exempt from local income tax, dividends tax and capital gains tax. They’re also flexible, in that your clients can switch between funds and access their money without any penalties.

Characteristics of Tax-free investments
In addition to the tax advantages, your clients’ contributions are subject to a yearly limit of R36,000 and a lifetime R500,000. They can also invest on behalf of their children or grandchildren, but remember that it will reduce the recipients’ yearly and lifetime limits.

Our Tax-free range
We’ve selected eight of our top unit trusts for your clients to invest in. These include our equity, multi-asset, property and rand-denominated global funds; all great options depending on their risk profile and investment time horizon.

How do I invest Tax-free
Opening a new tax-free investment is quick and easy. Best of all, it can be done online in under 10 minutes.

Tax-free calculator
Try our Tax-free Calculator to see just how much tax your clients could save by investing in one of our top-performing tax-free funds.
M&G Balanced Fund Tax-free
Who Should Invest
This medium-risk fund is ideal for investors who want steady long-term growth of their capital and income from a diverse portfolio of actively managed South African and global assets, with all growth in the underlying investment fully exempt from any tax on interest, rental income, dividends or capital gains. The fund is Regulation 28 compliant, making it suitable for building up long-term retirement capital.
M&G Enhanced Income Fund Tax-free
Who Should Invest
This fund is ideal for investors looking for a low- to medium-risk actively managed income solution that provides a high income return, together with moderate capital growth, with all growth in the underlying investment fully exempt from any tax on interest, rental income, dividends or capital gains.
M&G Dividend Maximiser Fund Tax-free
Who Should Invest
This fund is ideal for investors with a medium-to-high risk tolerance looking for a combination of long-term high dividend yield and capital growth. This is achieved through local and global equity exposure. All growth in the underlying investment is fully exempt from any tax on interest, rental income, dividends or capital gains.
M&G Property Fund Tax-Free
Who Should Invest
This fund is ideal for investors who seek exposure to South African listed property as part of a diversified portfolio, with all growth in the underlying investment fully exempt from any tax on interest, rental income, dividends or capital gains. Alternatively, investors looking for a growing income stream but who are willing to be exposed to capital volatility. The recommended investment horizon is 5 years or longer.
M&G Inflation Plus Fund Tax-free
Who Should Invest
This multi-asset class fund is ideal for investors saving for retirement, those already living off a pension and those wanting to protect their savings from the detrimental effects of inflation, thereby preserving purchasing power and earning a real return. All growth in the underlying investment is fully exempt from any tax on interest, rental income, dividends or capital gains.
M&G Global Balanced Feeder Fund Tax-free
Who Should Invest
This fund is ideal for investors seeking long-term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of global assets. The recommended investment horizon is 5 years or longer. Although the fund’s investment universe is global, units in the fund are priced in rands. Investors can therefore invest without having to personally expatriate rands.
M&G Global Equity Feeder Fund Tax-free
Who Should Invest
This fund is ideal for investors seeking long-term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of global equity securities. The recommended investment horizon is 7 years or longer. Although the fund’s investment universe is global, units are priced in rands. Investors can therefore invest without having to personally expatriate rands.
M&G Global Inflation Plus Feeder Fund Tax-free
Who Should Invest
This fund is ideal for investors seeking to preserve the real value of their capital, in US dollar terms, by investing in a diversified portfolio of global assets. The recommended investment horizon is 3 years or longer. Since units are priced in rands, investors can invest without having to expatriate rands.
M&G Global Property Feeder Fund Tax-Free
Who Should Invest
This fund is ideal for investors seeking long-term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of global property securities. The recommended investment horizon is 7 years or longer.