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    Kaylen Moodley

    Retail Client Services Consultant

    July 2024

    Book review: "Young Money: A reflection on ambition and ethics"

    On 16 June, South Africa celebrated Youth Day, a time to honour the resilience, potential, and contributions of the nation's young people. In light of this significant occasion, I decided to delve into "Young Money: Inside the Hidden World of Wall Street’s Post-Crash Recruits" by Kevin Roose, a book that offers profound insights into the experience and challenges faced by young professionals in the high-stakes world of finance.

    Roose's "Young Money" follows eight recent graduates who embark on their careers on Wall Street shortly after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. This timely narrative provides a window into the lives of these young analysts as they navigate an environment marked by intense pressure, ethical quandaries, and the relentless pursuit of success. Through vivid storytelling and meticulous research, Roose captures the excitement, disillusionment, and personal growth of these individuals, making their journeys both relatable and enlightening.

    Reading this book in honour of Youth Day felt especially poignant. It highlights the universal themes of ambition, resilience, and the search for meaning that resonate deeply with the spirit of Youth Day. Roose's portrayal of the young recruits' struggles and triumphs serves as a reminder of the importance of nurturing and supporting our youth, regardless of the field they choose to enter.

    One of the most compelling aspects of "Young Money" is its balanced perspective. Roose does not shy away from critiquing the excesses and moral ambiguities of Wall Street, yet he also portrays the young analysts with empathy, recognising their dreams and aspirations. This nuanced approach underscores the complexity of the financial sector and the personal cost of succeeding in such a demanding environment.

    The book's relevance extends beyond Wall Street, offering valuable lessons for young South Africans entering various professional fields. It encourages reflection on the pressures and expectations placed on youth and the importance of ethical considerations in their career choices. Moreover, "Young Money" emphasizes the need for a supportive and nurturing environment that allows young people to thrive without sacrificing their well-being and values.

    Here are some tips for young professionals starting out their careers, inspired by the insights from "Young Money":

    • Seek mentorship: Find experienced professionals who can offer guidance and support. Mentors can provide valuable advice, help you navigate challenges, and open doors to new opportunities.
    • Prioritise work-life balance: While dedication and hard work are essential, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for long-term success and well-being. Make time for personal interests and relationships.
    • Build a support network: Cultivate relationships with peers who can offer emotional support and professional advice. A strong network can help you overcome obstacles and celebrate successes.
    • Be open to learning: The early stages of your career are a prime time for growth and learning. Embrace new challenges, seek feedback, and continuously improve your skills and knowledge.
    • Manage stress effectively: High-pressure environments can be stressful. Develop coping strategies, such as mindfulness, exercise, or hobbies, to manage stress and maintain mental health.

    "Young Money" by Kevin Roose is a compelling read that aligns perfectly with the themes of Youth Day. It offers an insightful exploration of the challenges faced by young professionals and underscores the importance of supporting our youth as they navigate their career paths. This book is not only an engaging narrative but also a thought-provoking reflection on the broader implications of ambition and success in today's world. For anyone interested in the intersection of youth, finance, and personal development, "Young Money" is must-read.



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