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    M&G Investments

    M&G Investments

    October 2023

    Meet M&G: Chris Sickle, CEO

    Get to know the people behind M&G Investments Southern Africa with this Q&A feature

    1. The thing I love most about my job is…

    Firstly, I think it is a privilege to work in the asset management industry and be in the service of our clients. The asset management industry is there to help people grow their wealth through investing and ultimately, retire in comfort. For me, this resonates with my personal higher purpose around enabling people to build their assets. When we add value to our clients and they achieve their goals, it is fulfilling and rewarding for me.

     This role also requires dealing with a variety of things every day and no day is ever the same, so it’s dynamic and interesting. I also enjoy interacting and engaging with people, whether it’s at the office with colleagues or meeting clients and stakeholders, or dealing with wider industry matters – personal interaction is what I enjoy the most.

    1. What would you like to be known for?

    For me it is simple, I am a caretaker of the business and I need to leave it in a better place than I found it. And this covers all aspects -- clients, our people, our communities and our country.

    1. What would you consider your greatest achievement thus far?

    I don’t think it is just one thing. When I was in standard 7 (grade 9) I set a goal of wanting to qualify as a chartered accountant, not really understanding what a CA (SA) did, but that I would earn enough money to support my family. Needless to say, this was not an easy route, given all the obstacles and challenges to get there. However, looking back on my career to date, it was that journey that I am most proud of -- what I learned and from whom I learned it -- and having the support of those people along the way. So, to summarise, whilst I have had many achievements to be proud of, it is the journey and the appreciation of the smaller things in life that matter more to me.

    1. What is your advice for young people at the start of their careers?

    I have one word: tenacity. In your career and life journey, nothing is going to come easy. Be ready for a road paved with continuous hard work and determination. It is important not to give up and to challenge yourself and the status quo.

    1. The very first job I had was……

    I have had many part-time jobs along the way, but I would say my first real job was as an Accounts Clerk at Board of Executors (BoE) way back in 1995. That was a steppingstone in my career for which I am very grateful. Funnily, I remember going to work with a briefcase, which had only my lunch, a pen and a calculator inside.

    1. What was your first investment, and do you still have it?

    The first share I bought was in Metropolitan and yes, I still have it.

    1. What energises you?

    When I wake up in the morning, I feel blessed and privileged and it’s important to me that I make the most of the day. So, whether it’s meeting with clients and understanding their strategic investment objectives and how best we can support them, or being faced with a challenge that is complex and tricky to solve, it is energising and rewarding.

     Another passion is working closely with our people and supporting their growth trajectories. This is particularly important when you get to work toward ensuring a team of people with different ideas and thinking are all aligned to the best outcomes for our clients and the business.

    1. What is the top item on your bucket list?

    I don’t really have a bucket list, but would like to see Everest Base Camp. Not that I am an avid hiker or climber, but the aura around Everest is fascinating and to be able to see it up close must be something.

    1. What was the first meal that you learned to cook?

    The first meal that I cooked was a chicken curry, which I believe I have improved over the years. I attempted to make rotis once, but that was above my skill level. I do have admiration for those who make it regularly for the time and effort it takes. My hands did not enjoy it!

    1. What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love?

    I don’t consider myself a romantic person… it killed me to buy roses (at grossly inflated prices) for Valentine’s Day.

    1. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

    There shouldn’t be one. I love speaking to people, in the parking garage, reception, lift, coffee station or anywhere else.

    1. If you were a bird, what type of bird would you be and why?

    An eagle, it looks so majestic soaring through the air, and it must be amazing to see the world from that high up.

    1. What do you do in your free time?

    Play golf, ride superbikes, but one of my hobbies and passions is woodwork. Before deciding to become an accountant, I wanted to be a carpenter and this passion stayed with me. I converted my garage into a woodworking workshop and enjoy making furniture with complex joinery. So, when I have free time, you’ll find me in overalls in my workshop working on all kinds of woodwork projects. Most of these items are being used in and around my home. So, whenever my wife or children want to buy something, I say “Don’t worry I will make it…hahaha”.

    1. Describe the worst possible vacation that you can imagine.

    I would say going away to the beach or a resort for a week and doing absolutely nothing. Whenever I go on holiday, there must be some activities and/or a golf course in the immediate vicinity to keep me busy – I struggle to just laze around on vacation with nothing to do.

    1. What are you going to do when you retire?

    Travel with my family and play a lot of golf, and even more woodwork!!


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