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    Prudential Investment Managers

    Prudential Investment Managers

    November 2016

    Prudential People - Kerry Horsley, Head of Risk and Compliance

    Kerry joined the company in 2010. As Head of Risk and Compliance, she oversees the legal function, the management of operational risk, and making sure the group complies with all of the latest financial services industry regulations.

    Your first childhood memory…
    Still in my pram and going to work with my mother when she got caught short without child care.

    Your ambition during your school days…
    It’s always been about the law for me. During my school days, I thought it was human rights law. It was later that I started seeing economic security as being a human rights issue. And in South Africa, that means personal savings and for me it meant a career in investments.

    A recent favourite read? Why did you like it?
    Two Pints by Roddy Doyle - comedic social commentary in an Irish accent - what's not to like?

    An ideal evening is…
    A bonfire on the banks of the Orange river.

    Where did you spend your most recent holiday?
    In the north of Thailand in magnificent forests and powerful pumping rivers.

    The businessperson you most admire is…
    I admire many, many people in the business world, but they aren’t necessarily the ones who make the Forbes list. I admire those people who share their knowledge freely, those who celebrate other people’s successes as generously as their own and those who recognise that no-one is truly self-made.

    South Africa’s youth needs…
    Imagination, courage and conviction to build non-traditional careers in entirely new unimagined sectors.

    In 30 year’s time the world will be…

    Your favourite app…
    What’s an app?

    Stranded on a desert island without your family but with three other people, who are they?
    Does there have to be anyone else there? If so:

    1. Justice Kate O’Regan – a brilliant academic and jurist whose writings and judgments continue to inspire and instil hope for the future.
    2. Former Malawian President Joyce Banda – for no other reason than her understanding of leadership which she shared with the world during her eulogy to Madiba: “I learned that leadership is about falling in love with the people and the people falling in love with you.”
    3. Lianne – my personal trainer , without whom I would absolutely string up a hammock, ferment coconuts and never again do squats and lunges.

    If you didn’t work in the financial services industry, what would you do?
    Write and teach

    When did you last ride a bicycle?
    At Afrika Burn 2013, the seven-day “Burning Man” festival in the Tankwa Karoo where people create burning structures, art, performance, music, theme camps, etc….

    Where do you usually spend Saturday mornings?
    Seriously? Where do most working women spend Saturday mornings? The grocery store, pet food store, chemist and those strange shops that sell pool stuff. But I’m stroppy about it unless I’ve walked on the beach first.

    New York or Paris?

    Glass half empty or full?
    What’s in it?

    Your mother taught you…
    Just about everything. To walk, talk, swim, tie my own shoelaces, drive a car, cook, play, study, work, laugh.

    What would you like to be remembered for?
    My spaghetti bolognaise


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