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    Prudential Investment Managers

    Prudential Investment Managers

    February 2017

    Prudential People - Michael Moyle, Head of Multi-Asset

    Getting to know the people who manage your money, we speak to Michael Moyle, Head of Multi-Asset at Prudential Investment Managers.

    Tell us why you enjoy your role at Prudential.  

    I have been at Prudential since 2007. As Head of Multi-Asset I’m responsible for the multi-asset class funds and the asset allocation process within Prudential’s investment team. This gives me the widest possible variety of investments and markets to follow, across equities, bonds, property and even cash. I enjoy my role because the work is interesting and intellectually stimulating, and of course because I work with great people.

    A topic you’re passionate about (apart from investing)?

    I love cycling and food, especially my wife’s cooking. Doing the one lets me enjoy the other!

    A recent favourite read?

    “The Third Chimpanzee” by Jared Diamond, a book about human evolution. The book is thought-provoking and an entertaining read. We spend a lot of time thinking about the future when investing, but it’s also important to think about the past - in this case millions of years.

    An ideal evening is…

    Enjoying good food with family and friends, particularly in relaxed settings like braais.

    Your most vivid memory of school is…

    Long days in classrooms dreaming about surfing.

    What was your first job, and what did you learn from it?

    My first job after studying aerospace engineering at the University in Texas was to be part of a team of engineers working on the redesign of the problematic O-ring on the space shuttle, or, as my mother-in-law introduces me: “This is my son-in-law who worked on the space shuttle that blew up!” The job reminded me that attention to detail is critical.

    What do you do to relax?

    Any type of exercise, mostly cycling, gym and swimming, and reading.

    What is your number-one bucket-list activity?

    I enjoy travelling a lot. One of the things I’d like to do would be to watch the Tour de France from the roadside and to cycle part of the route, with the emphasis on part!

    Where do you usually spend Saturday afternoons?

    My family and I are very active so I could be anywhere doing something with some or all of them. We enjoy walks on Table Mountain or the beach. My wife and 15-year- old daughter love horse riding so I might be riding with them, or at a horse show helping my daughter as she competes. My 12-year-old son loves all sports and he’s currently teaching me how to play golf, which is fun, but at times mutually frustrating!

    Beer or Champagne?

    I’m happy with either, but my favourite drink is single malt whisky. I’d like to visit Scotland and tour some distilleries. It’s also impossible to live in the Cape and not enjoy wine.

    Who is your hero and why?

    I admire anyone who attempts to make a positive difference in any way, be it for people, the environment, animals, society...

    If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

    The power I’d like is to not need to sleep. Then I would have more time to do all of the things I’d like to do.

    What would you like to be remembered for?

    I’d like to be remembered as someone who tried his best.


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